ども NOBONです( ≧∀≦)ノ!!
あの名画が生まれた時代に iPhoneや iPadが存在してたら、きっとこうなっていたんじゃね?的なパロディ絵画を以下のサイトにて公開されていましたのでご紹介(´ω`)b

Based on : Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David (1784).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : L’Absinthe (Glass of Absinthe) by Edgar Degas (1876).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Girl with a pearl earring and an iPhone
Based on : Girl with a pearl earring by Johannes Vermeer (1665).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : In the conservatory by Édouard Manet (1878-79).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : Man on a balcony by Gustave Caillebotte (1880).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : Portrait de Marie Therese Walter by Pablo Picasso (1937).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : Girl in the garden, by Mary Cassatt (1880-82).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

Based on : A sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat (1884–86)
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.

The last 2g phone user
Based on : The last supper by Leonardo da Vinci (1495-98).
ART X SMART Project by Kim Dong-kyu, 2013.